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Chronic Disease Management


Living with a long-term condition ("chronic disease") can be difficult for some, but our aim is to guide and support all of our patients through their journey. 


Our team offer regular follow up management of:

  • COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/Emphysema

  • Asthma

  • Diabetes

  • Hypertension - high blood pressure

  • Heart Disease

  • Stroke / TIA - transient ischaemic attack, or "mini-stroke"

  • Atrial Fibrillation - a type of irregular heart beat

  • Mental Health

  • Epilepsy

  • Chronic Kidney Disease

  • Musculoskeletal Issues


If you have certain chronic health conditions you may be eligible for a Chronic Disease Management Plan. This is a health summary done by the GP that summarises your health conditions and what the current management plan is. If you would like to find out if you are eligible please discuss it with the GP. 

Under certain circumstances, after having a chronic disease management plan done, you may also be eligible for a Team Care Arrangement. This is a bulk billed document that allows you access for up to 5 allied health visits such as podiatrist, physiotherapist, exercise physiologist, occupational therapist, dietician or diabetes educator. 

Please note that we may be unable to deal with a specific health concern at the same time as doing a Chronic Disease Management Plan or Team Care Arrangement, and may have to rebook another appointment. If you are coming in for either of these please let the reception staff know.

Children’s Health

We are experienced in the various modalities of paediatric health and look after children of all ages from new born infants to the teenagers. We are pleased to offer childhood screening services such as newborn checks (24hour and 6 weeks) as well as offering all childhood immunisations

Men's Health

Discuss with us regarding the preventative health and concerns like cardiovascular health (higher risk in men), prostrate check, sexual health etc. We provide comprehensive health assessments to rule out any risks and how to prevent any adverse event (45-49 year old and above 75years). These health assessments are bulk billed.



  • Health assessments for 45-49 year olds (Medicare eligibility criteria applies)

  • Cardiovascular health checks

  • Counselling

  • Sexual health and STDs

  • Skin checks

  • Prostate Checks


Immunisation is a simple, safe and effective way of protecting people against harmful diseases before they come into contact with them in the community.

Immunisation not only protects individuals, but also others in the community, by reducing the spread of disease. We provide immunisations according to the National Immunisation Program schedule which includes immunisations in children at 2, 4, 6, 12 and 18 months, and 4 years, as well as adolescents and adults. Please book an appointment with the GP and the nurse simultaneously for the immunisation. 

Our goal is to reduce a traveller’s risk of illness and injury during travel through preventative counselling, education, assessment of individual risk, medications, immunisations, as required. We provide advice on:

  • travel-related illnesses

  • up-to-date knowledge on infectious and non-infectious health risks

  • global health regulations & immunisation requirements changing

  • patterns of drug-resistant infections

Travel Clinic

Minor Surgery

We perform minor surgical procedures under local anaesthesia. We provide a range of procedures to help our patients our  treatment room. The doctor will take great care in explaining the character of your procedure and any follow-on treatment required. 



  • Excision of cyst

  • Skin biopsy

  • Incision and drainage of abscesses

  • Closure of lacerations (suture/glue/steristrips)

  • Removal of foreign bodies

  • Excision of skin cancers (depending on the size, type and site)

  • Subdermal implant (implanon for contraception) insertion and removals

Diabetic Check

Diabetes is a serious complex condition which can affect the entire body and is increasing at an epidemic rate. Diabetes require lot of self-care and prevention of related complications which can affect the quality of life and can be life threatening, in turn making them the most serious concern for people with diabetes. However, if well controlled, the person can lead a normal life. Hence regular check-ups and monitoring are vital for good diabetic control. 

We provide comprehensive diabetes checks ensuring that your diabetes is well managed. The risk of diabetes-related complications is reduced when blood glucose levels, blood pressure and Blood cholesterol are kept below targets as much as possible.

Ear Syringe

Struggling to hear? It could be due to a build-up of a natural wax called Cerumen (or more commonly called- earwax). Earwax is a natural lubricant and possess anti-bacterial properties. 

An earwax build-up is likely to be caused by the wax being pushed into the ear canal during cleaning with cotton buds. Although recognised by loss of hearing, there are other symptoms, which include itching, ringing and sometimes pain. 

Ear syringing involves using a flow of low-pressure water via a specialised ear irrigator to harmlessly remove the earwax blockage. Simply book in online first to consult with the GP to ascertain whether ear syringing is appropriate for you. 

Smoking Cessation

Tobacco smoking is one of the largest causes of preventable illnesses and death in Australia. It is a major contributor to several health conditions including cancer. Quitting smoking at any age will help in major and immediate health benefits. There are several ways that we can help you reduce or quit smoking so you can lead a healthier life. We can help you find new ways to reduce harm or give up tobacco altogether. We will consider what might work best for you by: 

  • Exploring your individual needs and providing you with support

  • Guide you in finding healthy distractions, stress management

  • Developing skills to change smoking related behaviour

  • Providing information, education and support around medications that assist with smoking cessation.

Skin Check

We offer service for the prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of skin cancers.

If there are any concerns we can arrange for an excision or biopsy of a skin lesion or refer you to another specialist for management.


Provided by procure physiotherapy. They provide services for EPC sessions, private health funds, workcover and CTP claims. Please check the website for futher details, fees and booking appointments


Flu Injection 2021

Medicare funded flu injections for eligible patients are in stock now. We are taking bookings.  Please book in advance to get the injection to maintain social distancing in view of ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 

If you do not fit criteria for government funded injections or are on overseas visitor/ student insurance, we have private flu injections in stock. You can call the practice to book an appointment. There is $15.00 charge for the vaccine as these are not covered by the medicare. If you do not have medicare card or private health fund, please ring the practice to discuss the options for getting the flu injection. 

Flu injection 2020


Provided by Ms Holllie James. She  provide bulk billed services for EPC sessions. She also provides privately funded and insurance funded sessions. Please check the website for futher details, fees and booking appointments

Our Services:

  • Family Doctor

  • Nurse Care

  • Pathology

  • Health assessments

  • Chronic disease management

  • Driving medicals

  • ECG’s – Heart testing

  • Spirometry – Lung testing

  • Pathology

  • Family planning 

  • Childhood Immunisations and travel vaccinations

  • Men’s, women’s and children’s health checks

  • Cancer screening

  • Workers compensation

  • Wound treatments

  • Minor surgery

  • Smoking cessation

  • Physiotherapy by ProCure Physio

  • Podiatry by My Foot Doctor

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